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How to Use Email Marketing for Lead Generation

Personally, email marketing is one of my favorite channel for lead generation. Email marketing not only establishes direct connect with the end-user, but also enables improved engagement opportunities. Nowadays, I have seen marketers using bulk marketing techniques. In some circumstances, it may generate desired results, however, I strongly believe permission-based email marketing is authentic and targeted.

With permission-based email marketing, marketers can improve overall ROI of their marketing efforts, as they are sending information to those users who have asked for it. In a way, they are directly communicating with their potential customers. Here, other stats like bounce rate, CTR or cost per conversion will always be high. 

Here are some important aspects that need to be consider for using email marketing for lead generation.

1) Use Opt-in Method: Never send emails to unknown database. Even if you get response through it, the marketing ROI will always be low. Instead, create opt-in form on your website and encourage users to register for your mailers. This would also make your emailing efforts authentic and fruitful.

2) Maintain Consistency: I am a big fan of consistency when it comes to online marketing. You cannot get into the minds of your target audience one mailer or one social media post or one ad. To do that, you have to be consistent in your marketing efforts. If you are asking users to register for your mailers, please be consistent with your mailing activity.

 3) Use Call to Action: It is advisable to use call to action in your mailers. This will lead to enhanced lead generation. Most importantly, keep your call to action above fold always. 

 4) Be Precise with Message: If you have a mailing list and if you have an opportunity to send them mailers, please do not waste it. Be precise with your marketing message and let users understand what you want from them. Remember, every missed opportunity can lead to marketing disaster.


  1. Hi, what a great web blog. I usually spend hours on the net reading blogs on Marketing ideas services.

  2. Nice post. Very informative post you shared with us. It will help for email marketing company in Mumbai


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