For any marketing technique, be it offline or online, it is very essential to be close to your customers. When we say remain close to your customers, it directs at initiating stable and consistent customer management process. Be it your marketing communication or advertisements, you have to be on-target. This 'on-target' attitude can really create wonders for marketers, in terms of business, brand loyalty, and customer trust. Moving with the social media platforms, the more personal form of marketing, has really underscored the significance of staying close to your customers.
The social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn not only provide marketers with an opportunity to stay on-target, but also presses the need for consistency and innovation in their customer management process. A 140-character tweet, or a Facebook post can really help marketers to go directly in-front of their customers with their brand, product or marketing message. This personalized attention really makes it essential for marketers to be very precise, simple and short in their marketing message delivery.
These platforms have really compelled marketers to make precise use of content to reach out to their target audience. If marketers fail to do so, it would create negative impact amongst customers for their brand and company.
Marketers need to use the customers' reactions as the weapon rather keeping away from them. These customers' reactions pave the way for improved relationship between brands and customers. These reactions are really influential to be 'on-target' in social media marketing process.
Be it your Twitter account, Facebook fan page or LinkedIn company profile, there are several opportunities for marketers to keep track of their customers' feedback, sentiments, enabling them to be 'on-target' for improved marketing results.
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